Forest City Castings specializes in quality aluminum and zinc castings, in house mold making and custom CNC machining, providing our customers with turnkey service. We maintain an industry recognized reputation for quality, service and on time delivery. Our skilled trades personnel offer a full spectrum of capabilities for cast and machined parts. This includes CAM engineering services, molds, casting, custom machining, and machine fixtures. Our system makes it possible to save delivery time and cost by processing a job directly from data to hard tooling, from raw casting to machined and finished parts.
"Why settle for a fragile SLA model when you can get production ready graphite molds cut within a 4 week time frame? The actual aluminum casting will be true to your end product."
Our complete in-house capability gives us the job control that is necessary to meet today’s high standards for quality, on time delivery and complete turnkey services. Forest City Castings not only implements all advanced technology in graphite permanent mold making, we excel in this field and remain one step ahead of our competitors. If your requirements are for low prototype quantities through medium run quantities we would appreciate the opportunity to review your casting needs.
At Forest City Castings Inc. we are committed to providing turnkey premium quality castings with superior customer focus and minimal impact on the environment for all types of industries. With accelerated lead times, Forest City Castings can provide a production ready graphite mold in as little as four weeks. Contact us today for a quote!

Call Us
Tel: | 519.633.2999 |
Toll free: | 866.779.7709 |
Fax: | 519.633.3558 |

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Find Us
Address: | Forest City Castings, Inc. 10 Highbury Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, N5P 4C7 |